FFADO 2.4.2 released

Submitted by jwoithe

FFADO version 2.4.2 is now available. This is a bugfix release with a small number of changes mostly associated with the use of python3 and (when building) scons3.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.4.2.tgz.

FFADO 2.4.1 released

Submitted by jwoithe

FFADO version 2.4.1 is now available. This is a bugfix release with many of the changes associated with the use of python3 and distribution packaging.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.4.1.tgz.

FFADO 2.4.0 released

Submitted by jwoithe

FFADO version 2.4.0 is now available. As for version 2.3.0, this version contains mostly incremental improvements and bug fixes. There are no significant new features in this version compared to the last, but users are encouraged to upgrade to pick up the improvements.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.4.0.tgz.

FFADO 2.3.0 released

Submitted by jwoithe

The FFADO developers are pleased to announce FFADO version 2.3.0. While there are no significant new features in this version compared to the last, FFADO 2.3.0 contains a large number of incremental improvements. Users of FFADO are encouraged to upgrade.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.3.0.tgz.

Avoid revised Focusrite Saffire Pro40

Submitted by jwoithe

The FFADO project has recently (Nov 2015) become aware that hardware changes made by Focusrite to their Saffire Pro40 interface have broken compatibility with FFADO with respect to the mixer interface (and possibly other functionality). While some users have reported streaming success, there is currently no way to control the onboard mixer or router with FFADO.

The new interfaces are still identified externally as “Pro40” which is unfortunate and will no doubt cause confusion. They do however have a different model ID (0x00de instead of 0x0005).

Website comments and accounts

Submitted by jwoithe

Evidence suggests that the revised anti-spam protections on the new website’s comments fields are not as robust as the previous system. As a result I have temporarily disabled comments and the creation of new accounts on the project website while possible solutions are considered. If you need to contact the FFADO team please use one of the methods as outlined on our Contact page. The mailing lists are the preferred option. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Website refresh

Submitted by jwoithe

Visitors to the site over the last year or so would have noticed Drupal error messages in various places of the site. These were caused by incompatibilities between our old Drupal version and the oldest php version accessible to us on our hosted server. Due to its age, updating the CMS was going to be an involved process, especially since none of the FFADO developers were deeply familiar with it or the numerous third party plugins in use. Last week Yonas Yanfa generously offered to upgrade and refresh the site for us, which we gratefully accepted.

FFADO 2.2.1 released

Submitted by jwoithe

We announce the availability of FFADO 2.2.1. This version fixes compilation failures when DEBUG=no is specified, which somehow evaded detection until after 2.2.0 was released.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.2.1.tgz.

FFADO 2.2.0 released

Submitted by jwoithe

The FFADO project is pleased to announce the release of FFADO 2.2. While the focus of this version has been bug fixes and improvements to existing drivers, support for some additional devices has been added.

This is a source-only release: libffado-2.2.0.tgz.

FFADO is brought to you thanks to the work of Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers, Philippe Carriere, Adrian Knoth, Arnold Krille, Takashi Sakamoto, Jonathan Woithe and users who have tested FFADO against their devices, provided patches and given suggestions.

More RME news

Submitted by jwoithe

Thanks to RME, their Australian distributor and project donations, we now have a Fireface UFX. This will be used to extend the RME driver to support the newest generation of RME’s interfaces (the UFX and UCX). As always there’s no ETA but it’s hoped that basic streaming will be brought up fairly quickly. At this stage the UFX will be more easily supported because we don’t currently have a UCX. This may of course change in the future.