Installation Guide - Compiling from SVN (Feisty)

For generic installation documentation, please see

Below are only those issues that are specific to Ubuntu Feisty.

  • db2ps (for libraw1394, provided by docbook-utils)

      $ sudo apt-get install subversion libiec61883-0 libiec61883-dev libavc1394-0 libavc1394-dev libxml++2.6c2a libxml++2.6-dev liblo0 liblo0-dev docbook-utils
  • libraw1394 >= 1.3.0 (=> SVN)

      svn co svn:// libraw1394-svn
      cd libraw1394-svn
      autoreconf -f -i -s
      ./configure --prefix=YOUR_PREFIX
      sudo make install
  • kernel >= 2.6.21 if you want to use the streaming system. The device control parts will work fine with older kernels. Ubuntu Feisty contains a patched 2.6.20 kernel that should work as well.