Installation Guide - Compiling Beta 6 for Ubuntu 8.04

Please read the generic installation documentation at

Below are only those aspects that are specific to Ubuntu 8.04.

Open a terminal and install the appropriate dependencies :

$ sudo apt-get install scons libiec61883-0 libiec61883-dev libavc1394-0 libavc1394-dev libxml++2.6c2a libxml++2.6-dev liblo0 liblo0-dev docbook-utils libexpat-dev libdbus-1-dev pyqt-tools python-dbus python-qt3

Compiling errors

FFADO should compile well, but the mixer might not: if you get a message telling that ‘pyuic’, and python-modules ‘dbus’ and ‘qt’ could not be found, here is how you can work around this issue:

Open the SConstruct file at the root of the FFADO sources directory with your favorite text editor. Look for this section :

# PyQT checks
if conf.CheckForApp( "which pyuic" ) and conf.CheckForPyModule( 'dbus' ) and conf.CheckForPyModule( 'qt' ):
env['PYUIC'] = True

if conf.CheckForApp( "xdg-desktop-menu --help" ):
env['XDG_TOOLS'] = True
print """
I couldn't find the program 'xdg-desktop-menu'. Together with xdg-icon-resource
this is needed to add the fancy entry to your menu. But the mixer will be installed, you can start it by executing "ffadomixer".

print """
I couldn't find all the prerequisites ('pyuic' and the python-modules 'dbus' and
'qt', the packages could be named like dbus-python and PyQt) to build the mixer.
Therefor the mixer won't get installed.

and replace it with:

env['PYUIC'] = True

Be sure to remove any spaces or indents at the beginning of this line, or the scons script will be broken.

Building JACK

To do so, you first need to install the prerequisites:

$ sudo apt-get install subversion libtool automake